Monday, November 12, 2012

Darwinism Theory of Evolution applied to technology

My studies have proven to be more initially helpful than the survey itself. I have only had two people complete the survey which does not produce quality information. This being said, my research with an article comparing the darwinism theory of evolution has been really helpful in understanding the trends and reasons behind technology in the lives of society. The article explains that all parts of technology have been created to solve a problem. The history of technology is directly related to the discoveries that we have made in past decades. My survey studies are working to confirm that though we might not see tweeting as correcting a civil problem, it in fact does just this. After the survey is completed by multiple others, the information will become more helpful. 



  1. I think you already have some really interesting and insightful information from the article that will indeed help you in the analysis of your theory. I do agree that you need more people to take the survey so you can get a well-rounded understanding of your theory and how people will respond to it. Overall, good sources you just need more feedback from the survey.

  2. This is a really interesting topic, I never thought of combining Darwinism and technology. Sounds like you are off to a good start. I hope that you get more people to take your survey.

  3. This is a really interesting topic and article. I would have never connected Darwinism and technology in this way and it really makes you think about the topic. The comment about tweeting and solving a civic problem is something I have never really thought about and I would love to learn more about. I would also love to take your survey, you should post the link! Great so far!
