Monday, October 29, 2012

Indigenous Resistance

            Indigenous resistance and racist schooling on the borders of empires: Coast Salish cultural survival by Michael Marker describes the separation of indigenous people from society.  The article focuses on educational policy and the ways in which the Coast Salish have adapted to society.  The Coast Salish population has set forth measures to resist conforming to society. Marker focuses a lot of the education barrier of racism when indigenous groups in society integrate into public school.  Coast Salish and other groups in society have created government boarding schools to continue their culture.  It keeps the problem of creating cultural barriers away from public schools.
            In response to Marker’s article, I believe that it is important for every group in society to keep their culture. However, segregating yourself from society to avoid racism is a bit of an extreme. Conformity is not always a bad thing; sometimes it is good to embrace other’s cultures as well as your own. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree Andrew conformity is not good or bad. Also, even though racism is bad this article showed that they went to the extreme to try and avoid it. Sometimes people have there own ways of fixing problems no matter what the extent.
