Link to my survey:
Update: My initial hypothesis for the experiment has proven to be correct. Most people directly correlate almost all of the technology in their lives as having some specific need. Whether it is mass communication, correcting handwriting, or producing some form of data: computers are making our lives easier. I also found that people tend to upgrade technological devices frequently, only keeping the traits that proved to be the most helpful. This supports Darwin's theory of Evolution. I hope to receive more quality information through my survey to better prepare my research for Essay 4.
Hey I can't lie when I had the I-phone 4 I upgraded to the I-phone 4S. People do like to upgrade to new technology but honestly it's the same just a new app or software. Your survey was good, but you could have asked some of the same questions in a different way to see if you got the same response. Honestly, I think you have a good topic to write about.